Moo Moo Clubrooms 6th Feb 2016/Nightclub Photography in General

So at the start of the month I was asked to cover the resident photographer at Moo Moo Clubrooms Fleet. Been a while since I did photography in a nightclub. At times I miss doing it, there’s always funny stories when you walk around rooms filled with drunk people, and seeing friends out, but I don’t miss regularly losing my Saturday night shooting and part my Sunday editing. Pros and cons to every job I suppose.

Now Moo Moo's is a great local club in my eyes. 3 rooms to choose from with an array of music, always a packed and energetic atmosphere, 95% of the people are usually very nice, staff are friendly and the good thing is you know everyone in the club cause its local and people regularly go, so you always find friends all over the place, but the bad thing is also that you know everyone there, from that girl that turned you down weeks ago, to the old school bully, to your old friends who you fell out with. Its like that big reunion you never wanted haha.

Now every nightclub photographer will know these things, annoying things for the photographer:

  • "Can I have another photo" said after the 5th photo taken, now mate its not the cameras fault you look drunk
  • "Hey can I see that picture you took of me a few hours ago" now the volume of pictures you take, have to go through hundreds of photos looking for a person face you really don’t remember haha
  • Having drinks spilt on you/ or mouthy drunks, now most of the drunks in the clubs probably have worked in retail at some point in there lives, so they forget how they get treated by rude customers, try nightclub drunks haha
  • Trying to walk through busy corridors and dance floors, always trying to be polite and let people pass, and saying excuse me a million times to try and get past drunks who wont hear you over the music and that poor guy trying to flirt with a girl way out of his league by shuffling. Not going to work mate, now please let me pass haha
  • 'Lens Whores' - now its a little term I use when you have those girls who flirt with you so you take there pictures, and then you take a 5 second breather without your camera and they don’t even want to know who you are.
  • Being stood on by heels, it happens more frequent than you think, the amount of girls who are dressed up, there going to wear heels, and more often than not cant walk in there so they stumble and stamp your toe. R.I.P Toes :(

How to make the photographer enjoy their job more:

  • Talk to us, if you see us bored out of our faces, we are people too and generally are polite enough to have a short natter
  • Now I don’t know what it is with some people, I can understand people I know but complete strangers love taking selfies with the photographer, its always a laugh to pull a funny faces. Thank you to the many people who ask for selfies
  • Have manners, apologise if you spill your drink on us, and say thank you when we let you pass, we are there to work and you being polite makes our job even more gratifying.

Now to anyone who says nightclub photography is skill-less has no idea of what is going on in our minds. Especially in a club with more than one room, with different lighting in every corner of the room. Constantly thinking how is the lighting, framing of the shots to make the club look really busy, turning the people so there are lights behind them as apposed to a boring wall. Watching the lighting phases, so if the light is going to cast across the person face or is a strobe coming. Trying to fit a crowd of 10 or more in a shot while having limited space to move, But at the end of the day it’s a lot of fun.

Below are just a few of the shots from the night, not going to post all 250 and I hope you have enjoyed reading a little incite of what it is like our end of the camera.

Thankyou to Moo Moo Clubrooms Fleet team, Matt Lawrence for the job and the lovely people having a night out.

- Charlie Bluck :)